



Form of Government

The form of government for the Town of Hollywood, South Carolina shall be the Mayor – Council form of government.

Municipalites under the mayor-council form have a mayor and no less than four councilmembers. The mayor presides over meetings. (S.C. Code 5-9-30 (3)), and calls special meetings. 

The mayor supervises departments, acts and votes as a member of council, and ensures the faithful execution of laws. In addition, the mayor prepares and submits a budget and capital program to council, makes an annual financial report to the public and council, and reports to the council on the operation of departments. 

Composition and Election of Council
The Council shall be composed of a Mayor and (6) six Councilmembers, who shall be elected at large. (Ord. 9/23/91; Referendum 3/3/92)

Terms of Mayor and Council
The Mayor and Councilmembers shall hold office for a period of four years or until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified. (11/27/89)


A letter from our Mayor

I’m a woman of few words, but I wish to express my deepest gratitude for being chosen to lead this fine institution. I have worked with students for the past 20 years and I really feel all these years have prepared me to take on this key role. I'm honored to help shape young minds and fortunate to have such a dedicated staff by my side.

You can email me with any questions at



Your Elected Members

Alexander Porter

Council Member

Michelle Dunmyer

Council Member


Town Planner/Zoning Administrator


Sewer Coordinator

Carolyn Simmons


Business License Clerk

Tammy Haynes 


Mayor's Assistant

Krystle Matthews


Senior Coordinator/Office Assistant

Lana Smalls

Town Attorney

Jon Austen


Code Enforcer

Sean Farahvashi


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